Apply to Enter

Parents keen to join us are required to submit a completed Application Form and relevant Home Assessment Form alongside the requested supporting documents and application fee. Once an application has been received, it will be reviewed by the Admissions Team. Parents will be invited onto campus for a meeting with the Admissions Team lasting approximately 25 minutes, while their child (or children) undertakes an age-appropriate assessment. Families making an application from outside of Hong Kong will be hosted digitally.


Submit the completed Application Form by email to together with the following documentation:

  • Recent passport photograph of the child

  • Colour copy of the child’s and the parent’s passport data page or pages

  • Colour copy of the child’s and the parent’s Hong Kong visa and Hong Kong Identity Card (if applicable)

  • Copy of the child’s school reports covering the most recent two years of education (if applicable)

  • Copy of the child’s vaccination record

  • Complete Home Assessment Form


All families will be invited to meet with the school team shortly after their application has been received.

Children eligible to join a class in Nursery or Reception (Early Years) will usually be engaged as part of a small play group by a member of the teaching team, who will make observations as they read and play. The process usually lasts for approximately 20 minutes.

Children eligible to join a class in Year 1 or Year 2 (Key Stage 1) will usually be engaged as part of a small play group by a member of the teaching team, who will read to them and conduct a series of individual phonics and mathematics assessments. The process usually lasts for approximately 30 minutes.

Children eligible to join a class in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 or Year 6 (Key Stage 2) will undertake a written task and complete a series of computerised assessments. The process usually lasts for approximately 75 minutes.

Order of priority for assessment:.
  • Premium Certificate holder
  • Standard Certificate holder
  • Sibling
  • Children from other Shrewsbury schools


All information relating to an application is compiled by the Admissions Team and a standard file presented to The Principal who will make a decision as to whether an offer is to be made in reference to the selection criteria.

Following the decision, parents are notified by the Admissions Team as to whether the application has been successful or not. If successful, a Letter of Offer will be sent together with an Acceptance of Place Form.

Feedback is usually available to parents within five working days.

The Acceptance of Place Form must be signed and returned, along with any associated fees due and agreement to the associated Terms and Conditions to secure their place.

It may be possible that a student meets the entry criteria but a place is not available. In such circumstances, the student’s name will be added to our Wait Pool for the appropriate year. The Wait Pool is cleared at the end of each academic year. At this point, applicants still interested in enrolling at Shrewsbury will need to resubmit their application.


Parents must notify The School at the point of application should their child or children require any specific adaptations to their current school provision or environment, have a known or suspected learning need or developmental delay, or suffer a disability of any sort, so that an access assessment can be made.

Parents should be aware that The School may withdraw the place of the Student at the School according to a given timeline when a known special educational or physical need has not been fully disclosed.


To download a full copy of our Admissions Policy, click here.


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Get in touch

+852 2480 1500

