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Singing Category Winners - LumiVoce 2023

Returning as overall winners for 2022, Shrewsbury students will open the 2023 LumiVoce Voices for the Planet award ceremony later this month having drawn recognition once more, this time as winners in the singing category.

A registered Hong Kong charity, LumiVoce was set up to inspire and educate young people about wildlife conservation, biodiversity and sustainability through the power of music and arts. The Voices for the Planet competition began in 2020 and draws engagement from schools across the region. Participation at Shrewsbury was guided by an elected student body.

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“I am not only incredibly proud of the passion and drive of our Eco-Committee, but the determination of the entire student community to make a difference to the planet.” Lissie Rowe, Eco Committee Coordinator

Global Citizenship and Intercultural Learning feature prominently within our cross-curricular framework. Most prominently represented through the study of language, culture and history, efforts are further facilitated by the provision of opportunities to lead and serve.

“Shrewsbury students are encouraged to take responsibility and drive change. We are deeply committed to the development of informed and active global citizens and are delighted to have been recognised by LumiVoce for a second successive year.” Ben Keeling, Shrewsbury Principal

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