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Digital Citizenship Accreditation

Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong was delighted to announce that it has been identified as a Common Sense School, an accolade that comes in recognition of a commitment to computing, digital citizenship and the safeguarding of students.


Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong is committed to providing students and parents with the knowledge, skills and opportunities required to become outstanding Digital Citizens. Through the provision of a broad and progressive programme of study, we support students to engage with technology responsibly, to learn, create and connect.

An independent, nonprofit and research backed enterprise, Common Sense has been the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools for over twenty years. Used by over one million educators globally, Common Sense digital citizenship resources are dedicated to improving the lives of students and families allowing them to thrive in a world of media and technology.

"We applaud the academic team at Shrewsbury for embracing digital citizenship as an important part of their students' education. They deserve high praise for giving its students the foundational skills they need to compete and succeed in the 21st-century workplace and participate ethically in society at large." Kelly Mendoza, Vice President of Education Programs at Common Sense Education

“We are thrilled to have been recognised for our commitment to digital citizenship and the development of communication and engagement skills fundamental to the future of our students.” Ben Keeling, Shrewsbury Principal

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