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A Shrewsbury Story: Flora's Family
Keen to learn more about our incredible community, we speak to a Shrewsbury family every month to find out about their journey, their aspiration and their hopes for the future. This month is the turn of Flora’s family - this is their story:
“We began researching school options for our daughter Flora in August 2019. Just four weeks later, we were delighted to accept an offer from Shrewsbury. Ultimately, it was the passion and sincerity of the school team that really made the difference for us. Flora settled in quickly - it was immediately clear to us that we had made the right decision.”
“Our daughter loves everything about school and we are enormously proud of the progress that she has made. Having performed in every Solo Recital since joining, we know that she particularly enjoys Music lessons, but she also reports with particular interest on the many special events and themed weeks that run during the course of each year. STEM week was a particular highlight.”
“We are so happy to be Shrewsbury parents. The teaching staff are exceptionally strong and the range of opportunities available to children is truly unique. Parents looking for a diverse international community and a strong programme for Chinese language and culture need look no further - seeing and hearing is believing.”
“Hong Kong has been home for over 10 years now and we love living here. An active family, we enjoy the outdoors and you will often find us on a tennis court, golf course or on one of the many Hong Kong Trails. Our weekends are also often filled with playdates and piano lessons!”
Huge thanks to Blair and Daochun for participating. To learn more about the relationships we share, please click here.