News Archive

Growing the Team

Members of the Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA) since 2020, members of the Music and Physical Education teams recently joined up with colleagues from across the region for specialist conferences in Singapore.


“I gained so much from collaborating with colleagues over the course of three full days. I returned to Hong Kong energised and excited to engage with others on all I had learned.”

Yan Man, Shrewsbury Music Teacher


“It was an incredibly inspiring and immersive experience and I feel enormously grateful for the support I have received and the ongoing commitment of Shrewsbury to the development of their staff teams.”

Cora White, Shrewsbury Physical Education Teacher

Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong highlights Reflection and Renewal as a core value within Guiding Statements that also act to identify an ‘outstanding academic team’ and describe a commitment to ‘continuous evaluation, improvement and growth’.

“The world of education is continually changing. We are deeply committed to the continuous professional development of staff so that they are able to learn, adapt and grow.”

Ben Keeling, Shrewsbury Principal

Founded in 1988, FOBISIA is a not-for-profit membership organisation that provides peer-to-peer support, continuing professional development and student enrichment opportunities for a large group of schools in Asia.

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